Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mr. Hood - Why I Chose To Teach High School Science and Biology

Laid off? I couldn't believe it when my former career in textiles came to a screeching halt at the end of 2006. Since I had based most of my self worth on my job, I was quite bummed by this sudden turn of events. I looked around for something new to do, and decided that I would become a teacher. I had a handy but unused degree in Zoology, and applied to a local university. For a couple of years I took teacher education courses at night and worked as a substitute teacher during the day. I found first grade to be the toughest to sub. The kids were young but very savvy to substitutes, and had learned how to lie in order to manipulate us. They weren't afraid to constantly rat on each other either. This kept me on my toes , as I never knew if anything the said were true. I learned to recognize trustworthy students who would give me the straight scoop on how their teacher did things.

I knew that I could never work with the little ones, as their voices were too high, and they were too short to hear distinctly. I decided that teaching high school biology and science would be best for me, not only because the students were taller and more socialized, but also because it is a maturing time for students, a coming-of-age that happens to them just as it happened to me. I remember that it was a moment of acceptance into the adult world as an equal, so powerful and definable that my whole life seemed to change after it happened. Looking back on my high school years from my current viewpoint, I can see how I went from a clueless freshman to a fairly mature young man who took school seriously (most of the time).

That is why I am very pleased to join the very same educational culture that helped start me on my way to a successful career and father to 3 sons. Most importantly, I am proud to be an active participant in the education of young people who are destined to their own coming-of-age and blossoming into productive adults in the world beyond school.

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